Friday 27 November 2015

Media ownership

Media ownership is split into different media sectors. The different sectors include radio, TV, games, photo imaging, animation and interactive media.

television is one of the biggest sectors within the media industry with lots of competitors that employs over 50,000 British people with many different types of TV programs

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Music video

Music videos are created simply for the purpose to entertain, they can either be complicated to make or really simply and with a low budget, for instance the song "here it goes again" by Ok Go was a one shot film by using the band members to dance on numerous treadmills. The simplicity of this music video has made 52 million in 2014, made a mark in the top 40 singles and was their 3rd UK top 75. The purpose is also to promote the artist as if the video becomes a viral video then your song has a good chance of becoming popular. For example the song Gangnam style is well know for its dance and quickly became very popular and has nearly hit 2.5 billion views as it became viral overnight. Songs can also become popular from synergy which is where a song is made for a movie e.g Adele - Skyfall.

                        Ok Go - Here it goes again

                           PSY - GANGNAM STYLE

              ADELE - Skyfall

The style of the artist normally always reflects in there music that is produced, for instance lady gaga wears some quite obscure clothes/ costumes .

These are some examples of lady gaga's obscure costumes which gave her the reputation of always dressing up as weird things, but this makes people remember her as something different there for making her name easy to remember.

Many music videos are different but they all share the same purpose to entertain the viewer watching the video. You can get music videos that feature the band/singer performing on stage or any event, these are entertaining as you get to see the crowd and imagine what it would be like to be part of the atmosphere. Music videos sometimes have a narrative, for instance the song Beautiful war by Kings of leon is about a guy who gets into a bar fight but ends up killing his brother, this results in him going to jail. When the video has a narrative, it makes you pay attention to the song itself and the meanings behind it. Also there are animated music videos which dont have to consist of a narrative but have been known to include one.

                            Performance Music video -

                            Narrative Music video -

                            Animated music video -

A interpretative music video is when it looks like something else but has a different meaning, They want you to make your own interpretation of what is happening in the video.

                            Interpretative music video -

Parody music videos are quite popular as they include humor onto well known songs, This one in particular is a song by lonely island which is a you tube channel that are dedicated to making parody videos. The song goes on about the pirates of the Caribbean and various other movies just to mock them.

                            Parody music video -

Pastiche music videos is a artistic, literary genre or technique.

                            Pastiche music video -

This Ok go music video is basically stop motion animation but using people. It was filmed in Los Angeles and was filmed over a 18 our period, including staying in sleeping bags over night.

Surreal music video is when the thing you are watching is so crazy that its obvious that its not real, mostly animated videos as animation is not realistic.

                            Surreal music video -

This video shows a female character reading a comic book, but then the comic comes to life and she gets dragged in and gets chased by animated people.

Referencing/ Homage This is when a artist honor another artist by either doing a cover of one of their songs or copying elements of their videos, For example the band Alien Ant Farm did a cover of smooth criminal by Micheal Jackson, they also took some of Micheal Jackson's moves like the moon walk and the dancing style.

                             Referencing/Homage Video -

Lyric interpretation

This is when the music video itself links with what the artist is singing, for instance, in Rebecca Blacks - Friday she literally just sings about friday and all the stuff she is going to do. But in a different case like the song Just by Radiohead people like to have there own ideas of what they think it means. "Just" features a man lying down on the pavement which makes people stop and question why he is doing this, in the end he tells the people why he is lying down but the viewers never know why, so this gives people the opportunity to imagine what he said.

                              Radiohead - Just

Cutting to the beat in music videos is very common as it makes the product look professional rather than having some scenes that are too long or too short.