Thursday 10 December 2015

History of animation

Cel based animation

cel based animation is when you have multiple images on different plastic slides. The plastic slides were transparent sheets of plastic so that you could draw images on the different sheets and the other slides would not be messed with. So if you had the background on one side and a character on another then you can change what the character does without effecting anything else.

Disney films

Walt disney came up with the idea of snow white in 1934 and it took

1970 animation

The early animated films like dastardly and muttley where originally made to appeal to kids but actually appealed to every generation. it was also one of the first films to use cal based animation.

Animation types


Persistance of vision 

Persistence of vision is when you mind tricks you into seeing things when it it moving at a certain pace. Videos are made up of moving pictures that have on average 25 frames per second  which trick you mind into thinking that the pictures are moving.

This image is of a victorian zoestrope which has multiple pictures on the inside of the cylinder whilst you look through the little slots which tricks your mind into thinking that the pictures are moving.

This is a kinetoscope and what is once you look through it you would see photographic images and would look like it was moving.

 The mutoscope is a device where series of pictures are flicked by a metal rod and viewed by the person who watches it. Because the images are being flicked really fast it tricks the eye into thinking the pictures are moving.
Trip to the moon was one of the first animated films made. It was made in france in 1902 and most of the time they did not move the background, instead they just made sets for the background and when they wanted to change scenes they would just move the background. It was also the first time that anyone had used the jump edit, they used the jump edit to put the rocket into the moons fac

Friday 4 December 2015

Understanding structure and ownership in the creative media sector


The film industry is one of the biggest industry's in the entertainment business, in the UK alone they employ around 27,800 people in 2008. The industry is usually funded through privately owned company's such as Sony and Warner brothers

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Film and editing technique

Film and editing techniques are used in many ways to get the effect that you want, they can be really simple or really complicated. Simple editing techniques like cutting is used to go between scenes but as it gets more complicated when you include stuff like cross cutting and jump cuts.

Video editing history started in about the 1895 when the Lumiere brothers invented cinematography,