Wednesday 30 September 2015

Research techniques

Research techniques

When researching, you can use different methods for example primary research which is basically where you find the evidence your self rather than looking into a book which would be second hand research.

Open question is where the person being asked can answer with multiply word answers.

Closed question is where the person asking the question expects a one word answer

Console questions

Would you rather play with an XBOX 360 or a PS3?

What is your favourite game and why?

Questions about research methods

what is you favourite way to research and why? - closed question

Market research

Research in music 



Barb is a website where you can see the most popular TV shows and films are shown. Barb is owned by many different companies like BBC, ITV ect and is not made for profit. It was setup in 1981 to provide the industry television audience measurements. 

The website BFI is a site that you can look at the top films for the time period that you are in


Demographics is the studies of population based facts such as age, race, economic status and other general stuff like that. Demographics allow companies to access the size of potential market.

The structure of the social class depends on peoples jobs and there social class, people like CEO's will be grade A because its a higher job than something like a teacher which would fall into grade C1 which is lower middle class.

The martian

The target age for this film if around 15+, as it is quite a long film younger people might get bored throughout it. the actual film is a PG so anyone under 13 can go but have to be accompanied with by and adult. This film is pushed more towards the male gender as stereotypically men like lots of action. The main social grade that it made for would fall under A, B C1 as its a big budget film so more of the people higher in the social will see it as they make the higher percentage of people. The people in the lower classes will still go see it but as the people higher up make a higher percentage of the population it will be aimed towards them.

Assassins creed: Syndicate

The target audience for this game is 18+, but people under the age limit tend to play the game as well. It is mainly targeted towards males as it involves violence but it can also appeal to females as well. The economy that it would be targeted for might be the lower class as stereotypically people are higher up in the social structure don't tend to play video games as much.

Tuesday 29 September 2015


There are some basic short cut keys that you need to learn when using premier pro, this will speed up the time you take to edit the film as you don't need to go finding your way around the computer.

J - Backwards (you can double click too make it go twice as fast)

K - Stop 

L - Forwards

Space - Play/pause

I - In point

O - Out point 

. - Places clip in timeline (overwrite edit)

, -  Insert edit

V - curser 

C - Razor tool

 Up key - skips to the start of the clip

Down key - Skips to the end of the clip

There are four main stages of production that are all pretty important but some more crucial than others.
 The first stage of production is the development stage, this is where the script is written. Once the script is finished the screen writer will look at the script and try to improve it and after that the script will be locked so that no one can change it.

Pre-production is when the film itself is actually planned and notes are formed, the producer hires people too work for him but depending on how high the budget is depends on how many cast members and crew you will have. The director will go through with other people to create a story board so that they know which scenes they will need to shoot first.

Next comes the production stage and this is where the actors will actually start working and the crew members record and film the different scenes. The director is in charge of everyone whilst they are on set and tells them when to stop and start recording, the director will also have to think about the films budget and control what money goes towards.

The last stage is editing all the footage and normally takes longer than the actual filming its self but is a crucial part if you want to make the film look and sound good. The editors will use professional software to add special effects and put all the scenes in order, as sometimes you will film all the scenes you want in a certain location rather than going backwards and forth moving all the equipment.

Adobe media encoder

Download a video and drop it into media encoder. To export it double click on the video to bring up he exporting options. first you have to make sure the bit rate is up too the maximum on the next two bars so that the speed goes quicker.


Story boards are used in pre-production as they give a clear understanding of what the producer wants the film too look like. The main things you need on a story board are the diagrams, mainly showing what camera angles will be used and were the positioning of the actors will be. The storyboard will include other things like timings and stage directions.

The storyboards connection with camera angles is that they are one of the most important thing to place on a storyboard as if you don't include them then the camera man will have no idea how to shoot the next scene.

Colour correction

Colour correction is where the colour of the image is made up of Red, Green and Blue.

You can edit the footage by moving the sliders that control the different colours and make the image warmer of colder.

Audio Recording

When it comes to audio, it is very important that you get the sound right as if something disrupts the quality then it will ruin whatever your meant to be recording. 

Sound acoustics are the amount of noise different microphones pick up that wasn't meant to be recorded, in this case there will always be some unwanted noise but if you know what your doing and know how to use the microphone right then you can prevent lots of unwanted noise.

With the Lavalier microphone you can clip it on yourself and can pickup sound without using a boom. This is handy for if you are using long shots as there is no need for a sound man ( these are omnidirectional). With a Shotgun microphone/ Rifle microphone you need to stick it on a boom pole and place a "dead cat" over the actual microphone so that it doesn't pick up any sound from the wind

Lumiere brothers

the lumiere brothers were the inventors of Cinematography in 1895. They were the first people invent the video camera.
 The first editing skill used was jump cut and it was made by accident when they were filming a bus coming out of a tunnel when the camera crashed and then skipped to the 

Soviet montage 

Soviet montage was invented between the years of the Russian revolution and the rise of starling, the way they edited films have made a big impact on the film industry today as the soviet montage method is used in lots of films. It started by the Russians experimenting what film looked like when you put short footage together in different ways to see if it make sense.

Eisenstain was a big theorist in montage films where he was inspired to make films such as Strike and October which were montage films created as he used images and contrasted them to look the same clips.