Wednesday 13 January 2016

Understanding the creative media sector

Understanding structure and ownership in the creative media sector

The creative media sector includes a wide range of industries that are growing more and more each day, each of these industries is employing a large number of people to do a variety of job roles. All these industries have one thing in common and that is that they use words, sounds and images to communicate with the audience, and they all employ staff that are creative with good ideas.

The main industries are; Film, Television, Radio, Publishing, Advertising and Marketing, Animation, Interactive Media, games and Photo Imaging.


Film companies have certain structures that allow them to advertise and market their movies. The different stages include Pre-production, production, post production, distribution and exhibition.  The company's will follow these rules so that they can sell there movie as much as possible.

Film distribution has the purpose of selling as many films as possible, the more films they are able to sell the more money they will make from it. The first stage of distribution happens once the film production has been finished, once it has finished plan what they want to happen to the film. In the Pre-production stage the industry plans everything their movie is going to be about using storyboards and scripts. They will need to gather actors and props to star in their film so they might have to branch out to different companies to see what they can get. Then comes Production, this is when everything is filmed as planned by the storyboard they will have drawn in pre-production. Finally, the film will be sent into post production where all the scenes and special effects get put together.

The size of the film sector is one of the biggest on the world, and is still growing. The daily mail published an article on UK film growth and says that between July and September, 2015, the film industry grew by 5.9 percent proving that the growth of the media industry is still climbing.

A example of a big film company is Disney. Disney is a multi million dollar industry that owns other smaller companies like Marvel Entertainment and Lucasfilm which recently bought for a staggering $4 billion. George Lucas admitted "Its very sad. Its 40 years of work and its been my life, but im ready to move on to bigger and better things".

Just don't call it Mickey Mouse: Star Wars fans are up in arms that George Lucas has sold his company to Disney

This demographic shows the total gross for each film and all the other bits of information people might need to know


The main purpose of TV is too produce various amounts of shows that will appeal to people of all genres. Genres can range for documentaries, comedy, or horror etc. Even though we watch certain programs like the Top Gear, the programs are owned by certain companies, For example "great British bake off" is owned by the Love productions but is shown on the BBC.

Endemol is one of the UK's largest independent company's and has created some of the big shows like Big Brother, 8 out of 10 Cats and Bad Education. A statement from the Endemol website says "Endemol creates innovative formats that have changed the face of popular culture". These formats have went on to sell to other smaller companies so that they can make money out of it. For example Big Brother was one of the first reality TV shows, and it influenced lots of other reality TV shows that are out there.

There are two types of TV companies and they are Public companies and Private companies. The most well known public TV company is the BBC. The BBC is funded by public state and does not make any profit, but instead puts back into the industry. The BBC offers a wide range of channels ranging from BBC 1 to BBC 4. BBC 1 focus's on producing a variety of genres for the audience to watch from Comedies to soap operas. According to BARB the most watched TV show in 2016 is Silent witness 

The main purpose of radio is to entertain the listeners that tune into the broadcast. Radio shows do this in many ways such as playing live/pre-recorded music, news weather, traffic reports and game shows hosted by the radio presenters. There are two types of radio commercial and non profitable. The main example of non profitable is BBC radio channels which are owned by the public (same with the BBC TV channels). This means the public pay into a service to fund this. The public pay for a TV licence each year which means you get all the BBC channels and radio shows.
Whilst public stations focus on a range of audiences, commercial radio stations focus a specific target audience. With some stations, they might own a few that specify in different genres of music that will apply to a variety of audiences. Commercial radio channels are also local radio stations and are specific to a location whilst public radio ofton spans around the whole UK. For example Capital radio is a group of networks owned by Global radio and spans across the UK. Up here in the north east we get our signal from newcastle if we want to listen to capital.

Currently in the UK there are 22,000 people that work in the industry and is one of the best media sectors for having the most employed. The radio industry occasionally adds a new radio station but nothing major every happens so normally the ratings stay the same.


The main purpose of publishing normally is to inform the reader so if you have a newspaper of a journal then normally they will be informative. The publishing and press industry's are made up of a group of industry's including; books, magazines and newspapers. These can be articles online or printed media like newspapers. The industry employ over 200,000 people and some of their main job roles are; journalist, commissioning editor and designer.

For this type of industry they look for staff who are very good with English and numeric areas and who have a basic knowledge of office skills. An example of this is taking phone calls and the way you communicate with the other person.

The publishing companies gets their money from all of the products they distribute and the advertisements that are included in the products. The entire publishing industry together makes a total of £10.1 billion which is one of the highest earners of the whole media sector.

Advertising and Marketing

The advertising and marketing industry consists of advertising agencies and media representative services. The advertising and marketing industry makes its money from its commissions and fees from the advertisement they make for a client, a certain percentage cost is normally discussed between the client and the agency.

The advertising and marketing industry employs around 17,000 people with jobs including graphic designers, writers, marketing executive and sales managers.


The main purpose of animation is to create films that entertain the viewer. They do this by creating a series of frames that change multiple times in a second. This tricks the eyes into thinking the pictures are moving. There are a couple of different types of animation which includes 2D, 3D, claymation and stop motion. The two most popular type of animation is claymation and animation. An example of claymation is "Wallace and Gromit: curse of the were rabbit" which made a wold wide total of  $192,610,372.

In the UK currently there are 4,700 people in the animation industry which is the lowest out of all the different sectors. This is expected as america dominates the industry with large feature films from Pixar and Dreamworks, also japan heavily dominates the animation world with anime which is a well known animation style in japan.

Interactive media

The interactive media content that allows people to interact with the website so that they can get what they want out of it. There are many different purposes for Interactive media that can be either educational or just for general browsing. Some examples of Interactive media is

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Google 
  • Tumblr
The interactive media sector is worth over several billion pounds and employs over 34,000 people. Interactive media is becoming increasingly more popular and becoming a part of everyday life.

The game sector forms a major part of the global industry. Computer games are quickly gaining an importance as they were originally a small thing that you would do if you were bored. But it is now becoming a part of peoples lives. Which in some cases is not a good thing as it can distract people from doing other tasks.

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