Friday 20 May 2016

Digital Graphics Production Log


The Client wanted a logo, symbol, CD cover, CD face and T-shirt based around the CD cover. I had to come up with an idea based on his interests so that he can use them to represent him as an artist. The logo is too be used for merchandise and used online this will be the main thing people will see when they think of "Omega Ned" which is the Artists name. The symbol will mostly be used for his Soundcloud page and it needs to include the logo. I wanted the CD cover to be simple but not boring to look at, i did this by incorporating the logo on the front and have a plain white background to contrast with the black on the logo. I personally thought this was a good idea and looking at the feed back i got from Omega Ned he seemed to like it aswell. I thought my final project reached the requirments of the brief because i included everything he wanted and came out with a finished product that looks good. It also reached the needs of the target audience because its appealing and gives them all the information they need like all the songs that are listed on the back cover and even the small statement in the middle.
The bits of my work i thought were successful was probably the logo as its simple but yet includes everything the client wanted. But also the unsuccessful bit of my work was the logo when trying to put it on the CD, this is because the hole in the middle of the CD cut out most of the design. I managed time pretty well as nothing too complicated got in the way of reaching the deadline. If i repeated the project again i would probably work more around the CD and see if i can redesign the logo a little differently so that it can fit nicely. Overall im very pleased with the outcome and so is the client which is the most important thing.

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