Thursday 4 February 2016

Animation Assignment

Cel based animation

Cel based animation is when you have multiple images on different plastic slides. The plastic slides were transparent sheets of plastic so that you could draw images on the different sheets and the other slides would not be messed with. So if you had the background on one side and a character on another then you can change what the character does without effecting anything else. This is a very classic way of making animation but now that you have computers that do all the animating for the major companies like Disney have stopped using it.

Cutout Animation
Cutout animation is a technique where you get images of what ever you want, cut them out and use them as your characters/props. This is another way of making animation. Similar to Cel based animation you only have to move the bits you want to and you can change certain bits without having to change the whole scene. But it does look a bit different to normal animations that are made with paint/drawings.

South park is a perfect example of Cutout animation as the first couple of episodes were just pictures that had been scanned into a computer and all the different frames were put together to make a moving cutout animation.

Model-Based animation

Model based animation is most commonly made out of Plasticine and some of the most popular animations are made out of this method. For instance Wallace and Gromit is a well known animation that is made from Plasticine and took years to make just one episode.

The picture below is a model i made out of different colours of Plasticine. I did this by making a human like shape and giving it certain characteristics. The one thing that you have to think about when making these is that if you want to make it stand up, you will have to make the legs a certain size so that it can support itself otherwise it will just fall over.

Pixilation Animation

Pixilation animation is made by using live actors that change their movement the tiniest bit with each frame. A example of this is "neighbours by Norman McLaren which was made in 1952, the narrative was that two people who live next too each other get on really well but when a nice flower grows in the middle of each others house, they start fighting over who should get it but eventually killing the flower. 

Time lapse animation
Time lapse animation is a technique that when you take a series of photographs in the same location for a long time, and when you looks back to the clips and play it at normal speed time moves faster. The most common thing time lapse is used for is nature photography as for example if you make a time lapse of the sky from night till morning you will get to see the whole process in minuets.

Persistance of vision 

Persistence of vision is when you mind tricks you into seeing things when it it moving at a certain pace. Videos are made up of moving pictures that have on average 25 frames per second  which trick you mind into thinking that the pictures are moving.

This image is of a victorian zoestrope which has multiple pictures on the inside of the cylinder whilst you look through the little slots which tricks your mind into thinking that the pictures are moving.

This is a kinetoscope and what is once you look through it you would see photographic images and would look like it was moving.

 The mutoscope is a device where series of pictures are flicked by a metal rod and viewed by the person who watches it. Because the images are being flicked really fast it tricks the eye into thinking the pictures are moving.

Trip to the moon was one of the first animated films made. It was made in france in 1902 and most of the time they did not move the background, instead they just made sets for the background and when they wanted to change scenes they would just move the background. It was also the first time that anyone had used the jump edit, they used the jump edit to put the rocket into the moons fac
Walt disney

Walt Disney was and still is one of the most famous animators of all time with a company still worth 5 billion dollars. "Snow white and the seven dwarfs" was Disney's first animated film in 1937 and was made using cel-based animation. A couple of years after snow white was made, the second world war had started. Most of Disney's staff had been contracted into making instructional videos for the military and any other videos that would boost moral support to the rest of the home front. One of the most popular animations about the war was Walt Disney's "Der Fuehrer's Face" which was an episode where Donald duck has a dream that he is working for the Nazis. This won an academy award, but if this was shown today it would probably offend people. After the war, Cinderella came out which was Disney's most popular film since Snow white and it had made fortunes. After years of making films, in 1966 Walt Disney became ill with lung cancer and eventually died from it, but even years after his death Disney is still earning millions of each film.

Georges Melies

Georges Melies was a french film maker that created the film " A trip too the moon. This was a really successful film as he filmed in on a cinematograph which had never been scene before. This involved multiple photographs flicking at a constant speed to trick your eyes into thinking that the pictures are moving. But rather than using drawings he used real people.

Winsor McCay

Some people say that Winsor McCay was the creator of animation as his first big creation was a dinosaur that he drew on sheets of rice paper.

                                                         A black and white photograph of a middle-aged man in a suit posing reclined in a chair

Chuck Jones

Chuck Jones is a very famous animator as he has created loads of different characters like bugs bunny, daffy duck, roadrunner and many more. He had a career at Warner brothers and eventually ended it in 1962. He then started working at Sib Tower 12 Productions which he started making more well known characters like Tom and Jerry.

Max Fleischer 

Max Fleischer was also the creator of many characters like Betty Boop and Pop eye. He had his own studio called Fleischer studio in New York city.
Hanna Barbera
The two main people involved called William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. They made the company in 1957 and has made many characters like The Flintstones, Yogi Bear, The Jetsons, Scooby Doo and the smurfs. 


Matt Groening
Matt Groening is a very popular animator and has created lots of animations that have carried on still today. For example The Simpsons started in 1989 and still carries on to this day, it is the longest running U.S tv show in history. He has also created shows like Futurama and Life in Hell.

                                              Matt Groening by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg

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