Friday 26 February 2016

Legal Acts

Understanding the ethical and legal considerations when working in the creative media sector. 

Laws - Are written, approved and enforced by a particular government. If you break a law you could face police investigation, court appearance and fine.

Ethics - Rules of conducts, responsibility (not the law). If you break as ethical code you may be forced to act with ethical disapproval from your peers or professional body.

Legal and Ethical constraints 

Legal issues have a specific law behind them, which will result in legal consequences if you don't obey it. Example: Murder - Murder will have legal charges.

Ethical issues have no force of law, but are of a nature that affects society around you, or has consequences for the people involved. Example: if someone got a abortion, it is not illegal but will cause you social problems with other people who might have wanted the baby alive.

Privacy Law

  • Privacy ;aw is a regulation that protects a persons right to be left alone.
  • People are allowed to lead their lives without public scrutiny.
  • The right to privacy
  • The right to be left alone - harassment and data protection 
Example - The Rupert Murdoch phone hacking scandal was a very serious case where the British newspapers were hacking into people phones like the murdered school girl Milly Dowler and trying to get as much information as they can.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property is something that is unique to you if physically created. i.e. an idea is not your intellectual property but the words you write are.

Copyright is a type of intellectual law that protects your work. 

By knowing your rights and having the right type of protection you can stop people stealing or copying.
  • The name of your product or brands.
  • Your inventions.
  • The design or look of your product.
  • things you write, make or produce.
Example - A famous case of copyright was the Star Wars vs Battlestar galactica. Battlestar had borrowed a little too much from star wars as they had been accused of stealing 34 distinct ideas from Star Wars. 

Libel Law

To publish or print something that is not true or may harm that persons reputation and may bring hate or scorn towards them.

It must be a statement which claims to be fact and is not clearly identified as an opinion.

Safe guarding

Safeguarding is making measurements to protect people from any harm. An example of this is places that use lanyards so only people who work there can go in.

Obscene publication act 1959

Obscene publication act is something that protects the viewers from certain obscene films that includes extreme violence and sexual content. An example of this would be the human centipede 2 was banned in the UK as it was "sexually violent and potentially obscene", as the British board of film classification said.

Official secrets law 1989
Official secrets law is there to protect things like government information from being leaked to the general public.

When publishing anything that will be seen by the public you need to be careful that you dont say anything that could cause offence to anyone. For example if it contains racism, sexism, homophobic comments or anything like that then it can tend to offend people. There was a case called sachsgate where Russel brand held his own chat show and when he and Jonathan ross called Andrew Sachs basically abusing him over the phone. To stop something like this happening you need to look at the laws on what you are and arnt allowed to say to people as if you say the wrong things it can often get out of hand.  

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