Friday 24 June 2016

Communiation skills

Music Video production

My music video is going to be in reverse as it will slowly show a murder case at the end of the video. The reason for it being in reverse is because i don't want the audience to figure out what is happens until the very end, the audience will have to figure out the story line for them selves.

I have taken inspiration from music videos like Alt J - Breezeblocks as you start of the video thinking that the guy has murdered the women, but as it gets through you start to realise that the women was the one murdering the guy.


Balanced interviews

Thursday 23 June 2016

Poster Plan

Research for posters

I found quite a few pages that talked about raster and vector graphics. This was helpful too me as i needed to find information to put onto my posters. I needed to make my poster interesting with different information but at the same time i didn't want it to look boring so i will try and include as much colour as i can.

This page talked about what Raster and vector graphics are and what they are used for as they both have different purposes. I shall use some of this information to put on my posters as it is a valuable source of information.

This is another site that talks about vector graphics in particular. As vector graphics is quite complicated this came in useful for a more in depth talk about how it works. I will also use this information in the posters.

I will have to make two posters, one in Adobe Photoshop and the other in Adobe illustrator. For the Photoshop one ill make the raster graphics poster and for the Illustrator one ill make the vector graphics poster, this will mean that i have to learn how to use illustrator as i only ever use photoshop.

Photoshop Ideas

As i know how to use photoshop more than i do with illustrator i am going to be able to work my way around it better. These are some ideas i will use for the Raster graphics poster:

  • Bright colours
  • Information
  • File types

And for Vector graphics:

  • Bright colours
  • Information

Timelapse Animation

Friday 17 June 2016

Stop Motion review

Time lapse review

My finished animation was a time lapse filmed in the country side. The time lapse is of the night sky and when i take multiple long exposure it makes it look like the stars are moving. I had too be careful that the exposures were not too long as this would cause star trails.

I had quite a few issues with the time lapse for example the lens fogged up towards the end of the time lapse which was probably my biggest problem as i had too keep going outside too clean the lens, but when i went out too clean the lens you can clearly see in the animation that it looks like it jumps frames, when really its just because i cleaned the lens. another issue that i had was the battery life on the camera. The battery's can hold up too 700 shots but as the settings i had where really high quality, i was only able too take 550 before the battery ran out. This was a problem as i needed too take a certain amount of photos for it to be the minimum of 30 seconds, to solve this i had two battery's that i used. i used the first battery for when i was experimenting with the different exposure times and the second one was when i was ready to start my time lapse.
Even though i wasn't too happy with the way the time lapse was coming out, i was still happy that images being produced even though i knew that it was only a matter of time before the lens started fogging up, but when i looked back at the pictures it had taken a good couple of hours to start fogging up. I think this was because the equipment had too get used too the climate that it was in, and as before hand all the equipment was indoors so it was room temperature, so when it went outside in the cold it reacted by fogging up. 

I think i have archived the main goal which was too make a long exposure time lapse even if i came across some tricky situations i will know for next time things i should be doing and things i shouldn't be doing.

I got 7 people to review my Animation and asked them to mark each section out of 5, so the total marks for each section was 35. The animation section overall was marked 27, they said it was very good but would have been better if the lens didn't fog up. One person said that they were amazed how i managed too capture the stars. I'm still not sure how to sort out the lens fogging up but next time i do a time lapse i will leave the camera out in the day time as well so that my equipment can acclimatize. They rated the sound 30 as it was a good music choice and fit in with what was showing on screen. I think it was a good choice of music as i didn't want the audience too feel emotional if i had sad music but i didn't want it too be happy either. The editing was rated 25 because even though it looked good there was a jump in the middle, but i dont think the people who marked me realized that the jump wasn't because of the editing it was a problem with cleaning the lens. Again this relates back to the problem with fogging up. The lowest score was for the story line as seen as though its a time lapse it doesn't actually have a story line. I cant change the fact i don't have a story line as you never normally have a narrative with a time lapse.

I agree with most of the things they said about the animation including the fact that it got foggy towards the end of the timelapse. The one thing i disagree with is the editing mark they gave me, this is because i put a lot of time into making the sequence for the time lapse.

I personally think that my timelapse went very well seen as though its my first time doing a long exposure timelapse. Compared to other peoples timelapses its not as good as most of them but they have probably had a lot of experience making them before.

This is a link too a video of how i would have wanted mine too look like. if i spend a bit more time doing them and learning from my mistakes then i should get better at them. The people that make professional time lapses have had lots of practice doing them before and get chance to learn from their mistakes, and as this is the first time lapse i have done i will be able too learn from my mistakes for next time. Also these people will have better equipment than just a tripod and a camera. For example some people use things like time lapse sliders which move very slowly so in the final video you will see a time lapse that is tracking to another location.

CD Cover

CD Cover

First i opened up InDesign and created 3 squares. One of them will be the front cover, another will be the back cover, and the last one will go in the middle. The middle one will have information about the artist. I first placed the track list on the back so that people will be able too see the songs available.

I then placed my CD cover that i made in Photoshop on the front cover. This will be the first thing people see when they see the CD.I had a small problem with resizing the image as it was too big, but after a while i figured how to resize the image.

I started the middle page by including his life story. This people an insight of his life story.

I added a bit more information too the middle bit so that we can hear more about his life story.

The middle section was looking a bit plain so i added a logo too put in the corner.

This is the final product for my CD cover. I like it because its not too plain but at the same time its not too complicated. Ive included lots of information about the artist and shown his appreciation for everyone who helped on the back underneath the track list. Ive managed to include the logo, CD cover, and symbol onto the CD.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Documentary Production diary


Planning my documentary was quite a challenging task as i didn't know fully what i wanted the topic too be about. Eventually i thought i should do it about Darlington as i have lived there most of my life and i know it really well, i then decided to make it about crime with youths in Darlington as i know quite a few people i can talk too about the subject. I created a mind map of the things i wanted too include in my documentary, for example i wanted to show clips of graffiti too show the state some places get and too give the effect that nothing gets looked after. I did a lot of research into other peoples documentaries too see what they had included, and too see if it could give me inspiration for certain clips. I made a rough storyboard of how i wanted everything too be shown so that when it comes too filming i will know which shots i want to do first and they can be in order. I asked my friend Alex if he could be my main interviewee as he lives in Darlington and knows the area well. I decided what equipment i needed and practiced setting it all up too see what i need too use for interviews, and what i need too film B-roll. I looked at the weather forecast for the days i wanted too film as i had planned for the beginning of the documentary too look dull and sad, so i had too be filming on days that were cloudy or raining, but whereas towards the end of the documentary i want it too look happy, so i needed too film on days that were sunny. One of the last things i needed too do was think of questions for my subjects too answer, this was quite hard too do as i wanted quite a few questions so that we could go in depth of what Darlington is like.


After i  had planned everything and sorted my equipment out, i got the train down too Darlington so i could film my interview with alex, when i got there i took a look round the room too see what the lighting was like. If the room was too dark then i would have too make it lighter so that the audience can see the subject, and if it was lighter then i would have too make the room darker. In this case the room was very dark so i put the lights on, this wasn't much use as it didn't effect the lighting in any way. I put a lamp on in the background to brighten the room more, the lamp created a very warm picture which was contrasting with the natural light that was coming through the window and shining on the Alex's face. This left me with a background that was very warm and the interviewee which was very cold. Also one side of his face was really dark so i put a light shining at at the other side so that you can see his face more, creating a softer shadow. Now that everything was setup for the interview i asked him all the questions i needed too. Now that the first interview was done i decided too go out and film some B-roll with my shoulder rig, Alex came with me too film some B-roll as he knows some good areas that i can film things like vandalism and houses. Also if im filming in rough areas then its best if i don't film alone, especially if i have camera equipment. I had made a small story board of the places i wanted to film,so that i was more organised as in past filming experiences if i wasn't very organised it would take a lot longer to find location that you would like too film.
When i was at the location i was going too be filming i used my shoulder rig so i could get really steady shots rather than it being really shaky, if my footage was ever that bad then i can put warp stabilizer on in post production, although this is not always the option you should go for as sometimes it makes the clip look unnatural. I filmed a time lapse of the town clock using my intervalometer, this is a remote that you plug into you camera if it doesn't have one built in. I set the camera so that it took a photo every 5 seconds and then i left the camera for about 40 mins, but when i looked back at the footage i noticed that i had accident kicked the tripod half way through which meant the whole picture moved a bit too the right.
After i got all of my B-roll shots it was time for the next interview, i set a time i could come round too do the interview and made sure i had planned all the questions i was going too ask. When i went into the living room was very bright which was very good as i didn't need to add any lighting, also the walls were white which meant that light could reflect around the room. I asked him a couple of questions about Darlington and that was all i needed.


I uploaded all of my footage onto the computer and opened up premiere pro. I wanted a few B-roll shots too open with so i put the time lapse of the town clock too start and placed a title over it. As i was editing my documentary i noticed that there was a lot of lag when playing back the footage, after a while of trying to figure out why this was happening, i realized that i had been filming in 60fps but when making a sequence in premiere pro, i had made it in 25fps. This meant that all the footage was being compressed making it run slow. It took me quite a while too edit all of my footage as there was lots of it and had too make it too the minimum of 5 minutes and the maximum of 10.
After i had edited all of my footage i needed to export the finished product, i changed the export settings to vimeo 1080p as after the exporting process is done i will upload it too vimeo.


I think over all my documentary was good, although it could have been a lot better. There are a few things i would change about my documentary like the voice over for the statistics, if i had planned time better then i would have been able too get someone else too do it, but seen as though i was stuck for time i quickly wrote a script and read it myself. Compared to other documentaries that talk about the same issues with crime, i think i have mentioned lots of information that can be useful and interesting.

Friday 10 June 2016

Job roles in the media sector

Job roles in the media sector

There are many different job roles on the media sector and they all are very different to each other. Freelance basically means that you are self employed and you can get hired to work for different companies. Working freelance is good because you can work with different people and you can work on loads of different things, for example a company might contact you and ask if you can make a short film for them, and then once you have finished that project you then have to start looking for a new one. The downside with freelance is that you wont always find jobs, you need to network and make yourself marketable so that people will want to go to you before anyone else.
The range of job roles on the creative media sector can range from being an actor to simply being a runner. There are a variety of different methods of employment, which gives people the flexibility to find a job role that suits there needs and what they would like to be, the creative industry are there to help create the scene to make it a better experience for the audience. Time management is really important in the film industry as if you dont keep track of time then things can get out of hand. you would need to show a professional attitude to time management  by making things like film logs which are a great way to keep track of events.

Aaron Holmshaw
64 Butterfield Drive
TS16 0ez

Personal Profile
I am a very punctual, hardworking person that strives to make this the best they can be. I have a passion for the film industry and is very keen to meet deadlines. Through out education i have been interested in film and media and even did a media course in GCSE which involved lots of filming and editing. Now that i am in college doing a media course, we have learned more about the industry and how certain job roles work. We have learned plenty of skills that can help us do our job correctly.

Work experience 
I had work expirience at a shop called JG windows which is a music shop in Darlington. Working there made me more social and more of a confident person, this is because i had to interact with customers and work as a team to get things completed.


Maths                          C
English Literature       C
English langueage       C      
Art                               C
Imedia                         P2
Music                          C

Here is a link too my portfolio which shows all of the work i have done in college so far.

Yours sincerely,

Aaron Holmshaw

Dear Sir/Madam

In response to your recent advertisement on Euspert, please find enclosed my CV for the role of a runner.

As you can see I have had plenty of work experience in the industry during the time I have off and I have demonstrated my skills in an office environment. I am capable of working in a team to get tasks done. I believe that I am right for the job because I’m very easy to get on with and I put a lot of effort and pride into the work I do.

I am keen to follow my ambitions to work in the media sector and believe I will be an asset to the company. I hope to hear back from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Aaron Holmshaw

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Documentary Filming

Public domain archive

Documentary Showbible


The Genre i am going to choose will be documentary. This is because i feel like i can make the most of the information i gather if i make it into a documentary. Documentaries can be about anything you want, but if i chose a genre like wildlife, i would be limited to only information about wildlife. I want my idea to be about crime in darlington as i think it is an interesting subject and will be able too capture some good footage and interviews. Vice is a company that makes documentaries that are mostly set around the UK. Quite a few of their documentaries are similar to my idea in the locations they are set in, for example a lot of the locations that are filmed are quite rough areas.

Benefits street

Developing ideas

The concept for my documentary is that i want it to be about crime, as its a interesting subject and pretty easy to talk about if its set in a rough area. The location i want it to be in is Darlington as its close to where i live and as i used too live there i know it very well. As i know quite a few people who live there it will be quite easy for me to find people that i can interview and talk too. I want the documentary to show what growing up in Darlington is like from the prospective of a teenage living there so that people can see life from a different age point. The target audience is aimed around 16 and above as anyone under 16 might not be particularly interested in documentaries, and if they are then it depends whether they will be interested in the topic. Also its aimed at people who live or have lived in Darlington as they can relate to the topic and the things that are being mentioned, and its a good source of information.
I want the documentary to start of with all the bad things that go on in Darlington and then end with a positive note, this is so people see the bad side and the good side of places which means my documentary will not be bias. It will involve one of my friends that has lived in darlington all his life so he has a pretty good knowledge of it.


I did some research about the different places i could film my B-roll shots, i simply did this by using google maps as this is a very quick.

This photo is of Alex's house where i'm going to hold the main interview.

This is darlington town centre where i plan too do a time lapse of the clock.

This is Alex's grandads house, Bill Coatsworth, where i will ask him a few questions about darlington.


When i interview Alex im going to ask him these questions:
  • Whats it like growing up in Darlington?
  • What was school like in Darlington?
  • How where the people in secondary school?
  • What do you do in your spare time?
  • What are your opinions on the council?
  • Is it easy to get alcohol?
  • How has Darlington changed over time?
I think that these are some good questions as if he answers them in detail, then we will be able to hear about what its like growing up in Darlington

When i interview Bill Coatsworth, it wont be as long as the main interview with alex as i want to hear more of a youths prospective on society. These are the questions i will ask him:

  • Is there any places that you would avoid going to in darlington?
  • Have you had any trouble with youths?
As you can see the list for Bills questions is much smaller, but still gives an impact on the audience.

Secondary sources

Before i started too make my documentary i had too do a bit of research through the internet about how to set up lighting to get the best picture. I looked at a tutorial on YouTube about 3 point lighting for interviews, this will help me get the right shadow on the subjects face, and either make the shadow soft or hard.

I looked at a video on youtube that a guy made about how to write and produce a documentary. He
talks about the journey he went through too make his documentary, he uses a narrative to make his documentary more interesting and this makes the audience more interested to see what happens next. He starts off by finding the protagonist with a desire, this makes people want too find out what the end result is. Then he films the journey that the protagonist took to complete his desire, and last he shows the discovery and the end product. So even though its factual it can still have a story, for example i want my documentary too go though all the bad thing then too finish off i want too show all the good things.

Some more research:

Legal and Ethical consideration

As i am mostly going too be filming in public i dont need to ask anyone for permission, but the only thing i can do is get liability insurance. This means that for example if i had a light and someone knocked it over and electrocuted them they would not be able too sue me if i had liability insurance, whereas if i didn't they would be able to sure me.


Now that i had done all of my research, i am ready to start planning my production. The main thing i need to do is get my interviews out of the way as i can do B-roll shots in my own time. As if it gets too late and the people aren't available then i wont be able to film my interviews. I have asked Alex what days he can do for the interview and as he is not currently not working he can do any day. With Bill he doesn't work on weekends, so anytime on the weekend are ok with him. Now that i have planned out when im going to do my interviews, i need to look at what equipment ill need.

Equipment list:

  • Nikon D3300
  • Tripod
  • Microphone
  • Shoulder rig
  • Intervalometer (Time lapse controller)

I am planning to do a time lapse of Darlington at the start of the documentary and too do this i will need to use the intervalometer as my camera doesn't have one built in.The only thing i will have to spend money on would be transport to get to darlington, and food.

Risk assessment

There are always risks when it comes too filming things, and they always need to be addressed for everyone's safety. For my documentary i think the biggest Risk is walking around certain parts of Darlington, as equipment could easily get stolen. Also if we are walking with all the equipment we can easily trip, hurt ourselves and damage the equipment.