Friday 17 June 2016

CD Cover

CD Cover

First i opened up InDesign and created 3 squares. One of them will be the front cover, another will be the back cover, and the last one will go in the middle. The middle one will have information about the artist. I first placed the track list on the back so that people will be able too see the songs available.

I then placed my CD cover that i made in Photoshop on the front cover. This will be the first thing people see when they see the CD.I had a small problem with resizing the image as it was too big, but after a while i figured how to resize the image.

I started the middle page by including his life story. This people an insight of his life story.

I added a bit more information too the middle bit so that we can hear more about his life story.

The middle section was looking a bit plain so i added a logo too put in the corner.

This is the final product for my CD cover. I like it because its not too plain but at the same time its not too complicated. Ive included lots of information about the artist and shown his appreciation for everyone who helped on the back underneath the track list. Ive managed to include the logo, CD cover, and symbol onto the CD.

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