Thursday 23 June 2016

Poster Plan

Research for posters

I found quite a few pages that talked about raster and vector graphics. This was helpful too me as i needed to find information to put onto my posters. I needed to make my poster interesting with different information but at the same time i didn't want it to look boring so i will try and include as much colour as i can.

This page talked about what Raster and vector graphics are and what they are used for as they both have different purposes. I shall use some of this information to put on my posters as it is a valuable source of information.

This is another site that talks about vector graphics in particular. As vector graphics is quite complicated this came in useful for a more in depth talk about how it works. I will also use this information in the posters.

I will have to make two posters, one in Adobe Photoshop and the other in Adobe illustrator. For the Photoshop one ill make the raster graphics poster and for the Illustrator one ill make the vector graphics poster, this will mean that i have to learn how to use illustrator as i only ever use photoshop.

Photoshop Ideas

As i know how to use photoshop more than i do with illustrator i am going to be able to work my way around it better. These are some ideas i will use for the Raster graphics poster:

  • Bright colours
  • Information
  • File types

And for Vector graphics:

  • Bright colours
  • Information

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