Friday 17 June 2016

Stop Motion review

Time lapse review

My finished animation was a time lapse filmed in the country side. The time lapse is of the night sky and when i take multiple long exposure it makes it look like the stars are moving. I had too be careful that the exposures were not too long as this would cause star trails.

I had quite a few issues with the time lapse for example the lens fogged up towards the end of the time lapse which was probably my biggest problem as i had too keep going outside too clean the lens, but when i went out too clean the lens you can clearly see in the animation that it looks like it jumps frames, when really its just because i cleaned the lens. another issue that i had was the battery life on the camera. The battery's can hold up too 700 shots but as the settings i had where really high quality, i was only able too take 550 before the battery ran out. This was a problem as i needed too take a certain amount of photos for it to be the minimum of 30 seconds, to solve this i had two battery's that i used. i used the first battery for when i was experimenting with the different exposure times and the second one was when i was ready to start my time lapse.
Even though i wasn't too happy with the way the time lapse was coming out, i was still happy that images being produced even though i knew that it was only a matter of time before the lens started fogging up, but when i looked back at the pictures it had taken a good couple of hours to start fogging up. I think this was because the equipment had too get used too the climate that it was in, and as before hand all the equipment was indoors so it was room temperature, so when it went outside in the cold it reacted by fogging up. 

I think i have archived the main goal which was too make a long exposure time lapse even if i came across some tricky situations i will know for next time things i should be doing and things i shouldn't be doing.

I got 7 people to review my Animation and asked them to mark each section out of 5, so the total marks for each section was 35. The animation section overall was marked 27, they said it was very good but would have been better if the lens didn't fog up. One person said that they were amazed how i managed too capture the stars. I'm still not sure how to sort out the lens fogging up but next time i do a time lapse i will leave the camera out in the day time as well so that my equipment can acclimatize. They rated the sound 30 as it was a good music choice and fit in with what was showing on screen. I think it was a good choice of music as i didn't want the audience too feel emotional if i had sad music but i didn't want it too be happy either. The editing was rated 25 because even though it looked good there was a jump in the middle, but i dont think the people who marked me realized that the jump wasn't because of the editing it was a problem with cleaning the lens. Again this relates back to the problem with fogging up. The lowest score was for the story line as seen as though its a time lapse it doesn't actually have a story line. I cant change the fact i don't have a story line as you never normally have a narrative with a time lapse.

I agree with most of the things they said about the animation including the fact that it got foggy towards the end of the timelapse. The one thing i disagree with is the editing mark they gave me, this is because i put a lot of time into making the sequence for the time lapse.

I personally think that my timelapse went very well seen as though its my first time doing a long exposure timelapse. Compared to other peoples timelapses its not as good as most of them but they have probably had a lot of experience making them before.

This is a link too a video of how i would have wanted mine too look like. if i spend a bit more time doing them and learning from my mistakes then i should get better at them. The people that make professional time lapses have had lots of practice doing them before and get chance to learn from their mistakes, and as this is the first time lapse i have done i will be able too learn from my mistakes for next time. Also these people will have better equipment than just a tripod and a camera. For example some people use things like time lapse sliders which move very slowly so in the final video you will see a time lapse that is tracking to another location.

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